Our strong emotions can embed themselves into our environment. Whether positive or negative, and even traumatic emotions, can leave imprints that can impact our overall energy and contribute to the atmosphere of a space. Think of it like encountering a person with a heavy or low vibration, or what we call someone with a negative vibe, we instinctively feel the energy and choose to keep our distance.

Over time, negative energies can accumulate in our homes or offices, attaching themselves to objects and areas such as walls, floors, furniture, and objects. These energetic imprints can subconsciously affect us, leading to discomfort and an overall feeling of unease. That’s why some places, particularly hospitals, funeral homes, churches, malls or generally where people congregate, may carry intense imprints that can evoke feelings of sadness, fear, or depression.

Being in a space with lingering negative energy can have a profound impact on our emotions and overall well-being.

It’s not uncommon to feel low-spirited, drained, or agitated when exposed to such environments. For example, rooms where people have experienced extended periods of unhappy convalescence or passed away may radiate residual feelings of sadness, sorrow or coldness. These energetic imprints have the potential to replay memories within our own energy, leaving us emotionally confused and imbalanced.

To counteract the effects of negative energy imprints, it is vital to engage in regular space clearing practices. By clearing these imprints, we release the emotional baggage that may be stored in our living and working spaces. This process allows us to create a harmonious environment that promotes positive energy, mental clarity, and overall well-being.

One particularly effective instrument for space clearing is the gong.

Known for its ability to induce deep relaxation and facilitate natural healing, the gong can access and realign blocked energy flows in a space. When played, the sound vibrations of the gong can dislodge stagnant or negative energies, transforming the atmosphere and promoting a sense of peace and rejuvenation.

As we approach the end of the calendar year and look forward to fresh beginnings in the Chinese New Year (period 9), it is an ideal time to consider space clearing and uplift the vibrations within our living and working spaces to create an environment that supports our highest potential, health, and happiness.

In loving service,


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