I’m back to continue my shamanic studies with the Foundation for Shamanic Studies (FSS), focusing on the Healing series that I originally took in February last year. The series covers Extraction, Psychopomp and Soul Retrieval.

During the pandemic, I found myself drawn to the study of shamanism and enrolled in FSS online courses. In FSS, the training encompasses teaching students to shift their consciousness through classic shamanic non-drug techniques, including sonic driving, particularly through repetitive drumming. This process enables individuals to unearth their hidden spiritual resources, transform their lives, and gain the skills to aid others.

Interestingly, the drumming technique used in shamanism is similar to the healing power of the Gong. The gong’s sound facilitates healing at the theta brain wave frequency , while drumming helps the shaman to enter a trance-like state to connect with the spirit world to receive guidance and facilitate healing for others.

The last two days were Extraction which is my least favorite. It’s like spiritual debugging which involves sensing, seeing and removing spiritual intrusions, such as parasites and darts. The parasites in the non-ordinary world appear bug-like which mind you can be very unpleasant.

Soul retrieval: Reviving what is dead inside (really!)

Next week, we will be doing Psychopomp and Soul Retrieval. Psychopomp is a method used in Shamanism to locate a soul in the Middle World that may be stuck and in need of help. This involves guiding the soul out to a place where it can receive the help it needs in order to take the next step on its path. Yes, it does sound spooky! I recall feeling apprehensive about it last year. It reminded me of the classic film line “I see dead people” (Sixth Sense). However, I’ve since overcome that fear and in fact, feel inspired to offer aid in our current world’s difficult situations, especially for those affected by conflicts and natural disasters.

Soul retrieval, on the other hand, is my favorite. It involves bringing back a lost soul portion for a client. You know how people describe feeling “dead inside”? That is what soul retrieval’s like. According to FSS founder, the late Michael Harner, soul loss can be thought of as a missing part of a person’s vitality and essence, leading to feelings of diminishment and powerlessness. This can occur due to trauma, such as emotional pain, accidents, long-term illness, chronic stress, or overwork.

The journey into shamanism has truly been enlightening and empowering, aligning me to my advocacy to help people live, heal, bloom. If you’re curious about these forms of shamanism or feel like these practices resonate with you, feel free to reach out.

Will be in touch. See you online.

In loving service,


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