Yes, mercury retrograde is back and it’s upon us this season on December 13! This happens when the planet Mercury appears to move backward in its orbit, astrologers consider it to be in retrograde.

The astrological phenomenon is notorious for confusion, misunderstandings, and disruptions. It impacts communication, technology, travel, and decision-making processes.

During this mercury retrograde period, delays are quite common. Flights might be canceled, meetings rescheduled, or important messages might get lost in the digital realm. To prevent frustration, it is crucial to practice patience and have a backup plan for any scheduled events or important deadlines during this period.

Staying cool and collected during Mercury Retrograde can help minimize its negative impac. It is recommended to stay calm with unexpected challenges this season. Be mindful of your communication, choose your words wisely, and avoid making impulsive decisions. Double-check details and practice patience when dealing with technology or transportation setbacks.

Here are a few tips to manage your holiday during this turbulent time:

1. Start Early: Don’t wait until the last minute. Begin shopping for gifts and gathering supplies well ahead of the retrograde period to avoid potential delays or stock shortages.

2. Plan Ahead: Clearly communicate your expectations for holiday gatherings, ensuring everyone is on the same page regarding dates, times, and logistics. Leave room for flexibility and be prepared to adapt if necessary.

3. Stay Organized: Create a detailed checklist to keep track of tasks, deadlines, and appointments. This will help you maintain focus and stay proactive despite any retrograde-induced distractions.

4. Technology Precautions: Back up important files and documents, update software, and avoid making significant technology purchases during this time. Taking precautions will minimize the risk of data loss or compatibility issues.

As always, remember to take pause and collect yourself. Be mindful and stay merry this Christmas.

In loving service,


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