Thankful for a growing community – thanks too for being a part of it!

Taken in Sri Lanka (2016)

Taken in Sri Lanka (2016)

As you read this, I’m on my way to Tagaytay for the last leg of the first Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in the Philippines led by legacy teacher Tarn Taran Khalsa. We will be blessed with 12 more teachers and the best is, four are located outside Manila. We will have teachers in Bicol (Dra. Joan Butizon), Pampanga (Dra. Gina Masangcay), Baguio (Gelie de la Pena) and Boracay (Pauline Evora).

I’m happy that the community is growing. We need to spread the technology of Kundalini Yoga to help people especially in this period called the Aquarian Age.

Expat Magazine asked me, “In an age where data is collected on everything you do online, what are your thoughts on Facebook, and on data privacy in general?” And here’s my answer:

We live in a world where data is currency
What you post online is there forever.  Privacy is as good as dead in this age and time. Anything you post online on any social media site gives the authority to the site to use and infer any information that you provide. In this digital world, data is our currency. If we give them information freely, we are actually dooming ourselves.

This phenomenon was actually predicted by Yogi Bhajan, the founder of Kundalini Yoga in the United States. He described this new age that we are going through right now as a mega-faceted existence where, “Multi-existences will exist for the individual’s coordination. ” In the new age, there will be no more secrets, information is readily available and accessible. He predicted that as early as in the 1990s, that old institutions of family, church, culture, and society will collapse and lose influence on us and thus, produce internal and external upheaval.

Yogi Bhajan said that at first people would try to deal with this issue with increased use of electronic technology, attempting to use the latest device and software, to sort the flood of information. The real issue here is health. The normal defense of the nervous system will accelerate, heart rate and blood rate will increase, and people will tend to fight, withdraw or fantasize more and some even resort to take and abuse drugs and alcohol or use violence.

He said, “The capacity of the mind will reach its optimum in order to deal with everyday life. The world will become smaller and smaller and smaller. So man’s vitality has to become larger and larger and larger.”

Thus, this new age will be marked by emptiness, insanity and pain. New diseases and disorders have already propped up challenging the mind body and spirit. After HIV, antibiotic resistance is now a worldwide concern. Stress, anxiety, depression and fatigue are now common. Symptoms include insomnia, inability to concentrate, loss of feeling of control and alienation.

Yoga (kundalini yoga in particular), meditation, energy and sound healing  generates the inner energy to survive and thrive under pressure. We now have to go inward. We need to balance the glands, strengthen the nerves, control the mind and provide the inner wisdom to help take action and to make decisions on different challenges facing us each day.

Now you understand why Kundalini Yoga, and for that matter, sound healing theta healing are important in this day and age.

Who wants a theta healing home session?
I will be back from training on May 5, then regular Monday and Thursday Kundalini Yoga classes will resume on May 7 at Yoga+ Express Legazpi.  I’ll also be holding a Gong Workshop on May 19.

As for theta healing – for those who are certified in ThetaHealing Basic and Advanced DNA, I am holding a course on Growing Your Relationships on May 12 and May 13. Completion of the course certifies you to be a Theta Healing Growing Your Relationships Practitioner.

And starting this month, I will no longer be connected with Third Eye Wellness Center. I’ll be holding sessions at home. Contact me here to schedule a session.

Stay in touch and hope to see you soon.

In loving service,


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